day 53 | ‘233 east 14th street’

January 18th, 1989. Journal Excerpt. New York City

saturday afternoon. made a desk in my room using my hamper, a metal cabinet
that was abandoned in the hall, and a board.

looked at another apartment yesterday. a two room sublet in the village. it was a
total dump and they wanted $1,100 a month:
no doors on either room
tub in kitchen
no living room area whatsoever
wood slat floors with gaping holes

at least there were no mice running around this time

saw a taxi burning on 3rd avenue around 10th street. there was an explosion.
probably the gas tank. the fire department came.

ran out of cash so i tried playing in the subway station – see if i could collect a few
bucks. it was kind of depressing but i got enough for a meal

this desk is a little too high but it will have to do