day 5 | ‘alkali flat’

inside cover of my first journal. spiral bound notebook. "to begin to write, begin to write"

November 22, 1987. Journal Excerpt. Sacramento, CA

“To begin to write, begin to write”

and so it begins. just start writing, every day, with no expectations, rules, or other
possible means of judgment. therefore no way to fail
this book can be something to decorate and talk to each day – every day.
I will train myself to turn thoughts into words and words into songs

describing things is the bottom line.
maybe when I develop a style it won’t include ‘bottom line’

my apartment neighbor moved out. the note on his door:

Moved To Desert Sands Motel #16
Come By

there were smoke stains on the underside of the awning and the window screen
was off and blackened. inside it didn’t seem like there’d been a fire. i saw a couple
lonely chairs in the kitchen – looked like a photograph in a book. could have been
the setting of a Sam Shepard play. Alkali Flat – that would be a good name. i
should write about it sometime; the rail station and the pawn shops, bars and
boarded up buildings. people living in the fields. not a pretty picture.