day 87 | ‘man on the moon’

2005. Berkeley, CA

i dropped my son off at pre-school one day and got attacked by a gang of three-year-olds
demanding that i read them a book
i sat on the floor, they piled in my lap, and i picked a book off the shelf.
it was the story of how a space ship flew to the moon and landed, and a man got off and
walked on the moon.

for whatever reason it felt like i was hearing the story for the first time. it seemed truly
amazing – almost unfathomable – that that actually happened.
the pictures were so beautiful – i was really moved by it.

i can’t imagine what it must have been like to stand on the moon looking back at the earth.
to be able to take that in, knowing everything that had to go right to get there, and everything
that still needed to go right to return home safely.