day 1 | ‘this is everything’

notebooks and journals from 25 years of writing spread out on the floor

2011. Berkeley, CA

reading through old journals, letters, and other things i’ve saved over the years.
taking stock. there are four boxes stacked against the wall of my studio that i
brought in from our storage room:

1) journals and screenplays
2) photos
3) letters and misc. memorabilia
4) yearbooks, school work, scrapbooks, calendars

“this is everything i’ve saved from my life” is the thought that comes to me. it’s not
a lot, but i’m glad i kept what i did. it seems important right now. like clues. what
does it all add up to? a friend said she burned most of her journals – years worth.
at first i thought that was sad, but maybe not. sometimes I wonder if hanging on to
all this has held me back in some way. dragging around the past. i guess it
depends on what your relationship with it is, which is what i’m trying to figure out.
hopefully gain some insight